Friday Night Poker Club - Fellowship of the Ring Edition

Day 3 at the base of Mount Caradhras...

"I'm bored."
"Well, go to sleep then."
"I tried, but theres a root poking me no matter how I lay."
"I'll poke you, you mangy hobbit," someone mumbled.
"Did you just say something?"
"I said we could teach poker to the hobbits."
"That's not a bad idea actually, we did make camp a bit early today.
Who's interested?"
"I am."
"Sounds like a plan."
"I'll be in that."
"Ok, I assume you've played cards before? Good, well what you do is..."

A Freeform for eight of the nine members of the Fellowship of the Rings with some time to kill. Much inspiriation from "The Very Secret Diaries" by Cassandra Claire.

This game involves playing Poker. If you don't know the rules they are here, or available fromRandom before hand or at the convention.

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